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Misaka Pass

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Misaka Pass From Gotemba

Misaka Pass is a historical pass located above Lake Kawaguchi where Hwy 708 plunges into a tunnel that was built in 1931. Before this people had to walk over the mountains to get to the other side. The tunnel exits into the Kana River Valley towards Kofu.

On the trip that I’ve featured here, I began my ride at Ashigara Station on the JR Gotemba Line. It is one station before Gotemba and is my favorite starting place for rides up on Mt. Fuji. I like it because it allows you to begin riding in the quiet countryside right away and avoids the busy traffic coming out of Gotemba.

I ride Hwy 150 which intersects Hwy 138 right above Fuji Heigen Golf Course. You only have to ride for about a km on busy 138 until you turn off onto the smaller road (also labeled 138) and ride up and over Kagosaka Pass. The grades climbing up to the pass are pretty easy as there are some nice switchbacks and the car traffic isn’t so heavy as much of the traffic goes over to the Fuji Five Lakes toll road.

It’s a nice glide down into Lake Yamanaka. After riding along the west part of the lake on Hwy 138 I like to turn right on Hwy 717. It comes up to a T where you need to take a left and go west for about a km until you see a right turn on what continues to be 717. It is a beautiful road with a superb view of Fuji as you pass through a flower park and climb up to a tunnel which empties out in the Fujiyoshida area.

In Fujiyoshida Hwy 717 intersects Hwy 139, the main drag through that area. From there I like to take the smaller parallel roads that bring me up to Shimoyoshida Station on the Fujikyu Railway. It is the 4
th station from Kawaguchiko Station, the last station on the line. Shimoyoshida is the closest station to Arakurayama Sengen Park which has the famous pagoda providing the iconic view with Mt. Fuji in the background.

Near the park there is a small paved road that follows the Iriyama River up onto the side of the Mt. Akura located just to the west of Lake Kawaguchi. I was so pleased to have discovered this road as it is very quiet with reasonable grades allowing you to gain a lot of elevation as it snakes its way up the slope. You actually pass over the tunnel where Hwy 139 goes under the mountain.

It’s about 13 km from Shimoyoshida up to the highest point of the road during which you gain about 600 meters taking you up to 1360 meters. The road runs along the ridge providing a fine view of Mt. Fuji with Lake Kawaguchi below it. On the day I took this trip it was a bit cloudy and with some light rain but it cleared up enough to give me a good view of the Giant.

Misaka Pass is actually lower than this highest point as the road descends to where it intersects Hwy 708, also called Misaka Michi, just before it comes to the tunnel near Tenka Chaya. A short distance before you get to Hwy 708 you pass by the trailhead to Mitsutoge. A few years earlier I had a nice ride/hike up there. It’s about 40 minutes from the trailhead to the top which gives you a nice view of Mt. Fuji.

Tenka Chaya is located just before the tunnel at Misaka Pass. It is an old teahouse first established in 1934. It is famous for hosting the famous author Daizu Osama and for being one of Fujimi Sankei (three best viewpoints of Mt. Fuji). To be honest I learned this after the fact. I just thought of it as a cool looking building as I rode past.

It’s a pretty swift descent winding down Hwy 708 to where it intersects Hwy 137 about 5 km north of Lake Kawaguchi. At that point it feels like you are coming back into civilization after spending so much time in the quietness of the service road. Misaka Pass was a pleasant discovery and a place that I want to return to. It’s worth checking out.

Misaka Pass From Gotemba

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