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Otsuki Area

Sasago Pass

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Sasago Pass is located on the mountain ridge above the Sasago Tunnel on the Chuo Line. There is a quiet road (212) that winds up the ridge starting near Kai-Yamato Station. In days gone by it was the main road going over the pass but has since been upstaged by the larger, more famous Sasago Tunnel that the Chuo Expressway passes through. The grade of the old road is very gentle rising about 400 meters in 7 km. It begins by following the Sasagosougo River and then a smaller fork of the stream.

I enjoyed a lovely autumn ride there which is featured in the photo gallery following this. It’s a nice, quiet road with few cars going by. The old Sasago Tunnel lies at the top. It’s a narrow, dark tunnel with a classic brick front. It sits near the top of the ridge at 1055 meters. The pavement in the tunnel is nice and smooth though and no problem to ride through.

Coming down the other side you come to the turnoff to an ancient giant cedar tree named Yatate which is reputed to be over 1000 years old. Its name comes from samurai shooting arrows at it for good luck. It’s a short distance off the road and worth it to stop and check it out.

Sasago is not as high or challenging as many of the other mountain passes but it has a distinct charm of its own. A very relaxing ride and a good way to get from the Koshu area over into the Otsuki area. It’s about 14 km from where you turn off onto 212 until you return again to the busier Hwy 20 on the other side.

Sasago Pass Gallery

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Mount Gangaharasuri

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Mount Gangaharasuri

I stumbled across Gangaharasuri while searching around Google Maps for a small mountain road to ride. It has a spectacular view of Mt. Fuji that was featured on the old 500 yen note before they began using coins. I took a hybrid bike climb/hike up to see this famous view and was not disappointed. It has one of the best views of Mt. Fuji I’ve ever seen.

I started from Otsuki Station, heading down Hwy 20 for about 5 km to the turn off to Hwy 510. It climbs up to Otoge which serves as the trailhead for the mountains on either side. Otoge sits at 1570 meters. It’s about 17 km from the turnoff to 510 to Otoge. The grades are reasonable, the steepest being right at the top.

I took this trip on a beautiful autumn day and found the scenery to be quite pleasant. There were several larch trees that had turned yellow and some nice deciduous trees on the hike up.

Roughly 40 minutes of hiking will get you to the grass field at the top (1860m). I found it to be quite challenging and was winded as I had already expended a lot of energy on by bike climbing up to Otoge. But the view was breathtaking; one of the best I’ve seen. There is a grass field at the top that serves as a nice foreground for a picture. There is a sign up there showing the famous image on the 500 yen note. I included a photo of the note in the Gallery following this entry. Please take a look.

Mount Gangaharasuri Gallery