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Minami Alps

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Minami Alps

The Minami Alps are located west of the Mount Fuji area stretching from just north of Shizuoka City all the way up to Fujimi City on the north. They are very high and primitive making them attractive to hikers and mountain climbers. Several years ago, after studying Google Maps I planned a ride through them beginning at Ryou Station and climbing up Hwy 20 to a service road that goes up and over into the Hayakawa Valley. I reserved a room in the town of Hayakawa down the Hayakawa River to the south.

Unfortunately, after some rigorous climbing, I discovered that the road ahead was closed due to a landslide so I had to alter my plans. I came back out of the mountains and rode Hwy 42 down the Fuji River Valley to the turn off to Hwy 37 that winds up into the Hayakawa Valley from the south.

After doing some research I found that I would not have been able to accomplish my original plans in spite of a landslide because the roads inside the Minami Alps are only open to special buses transporting hikers in and out.
Though my original plan was thwarted I did get to see some beautiful Minami Alps scenery and get to my Ryokan in Hayakawa. I learned that Hayakawa has the distinction of being the least populated township in Japan. I checked in to my Ryokan and discovered that I was the only guest there. It was a little lonely but I had a very relaxing bath and received the warmest of hospitality.
On day 2 I left Hayakawa and headed up Hwy 300, which begins at the intersection of Hwy 52. Hwy 300 climbs up through some beautiful mountains giving you a splendid view of the Minami Alps behind. Toward the top the road gets steeper and there are several courses of switchbacks as you wind your way up. There is a tunnel at the top which dumps you out at a viewpoint overlooking Lake Motosu below. This panoramic view was made famous being pictured on the back of the 1000 yen note.

I recommend taking 709, the road that follows the southern shoreline of the lake. It is usually very quiet here and very lovely. After Lake Motosu I continued on to visit the other 4 of the Fuji 5 Lakes ending my trip at Gotemba. You can access the
Fuji 5 Lakes page here.

Minami Alps Gallery