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Miura Peninsula

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Miura Peninsula West Side

One of the treasures of bike riding in Kanagawa is Miura Peninsula. It is nearby and has a beautiful, relaxing atmosphere that makes you feel as if you’re really out in the countryside. The peninsula can pretty easily be circumnavigated in a day but I’ve divided my description into west side and east side as each is unique.

I like to start riding at Kamakura as I had lived there many years and it brings back tons of memories. Zushi is another good starting point. At Zushi bay take the old Hayama road snakes its way along the coast. I often stop at the Hayama Marina to enjoy the view. Shiosai Park, located adjacent to the emperor's summer home is also a nice spot.

Shortly after the road joins up with 134 and continues on down the coast. You'll soon come to Tateishi Park located just after where 217 intersects the highway coming down from Shonan Kokusai Mura. Tateishi has a very picturesque view of the water with Mt. Fuji in the background. It's worth a stop, if only to take a snapshot. It's right across from the famous Marlowe Cafe.

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Continuing down the peninsula the road gets a little busier as you pass the Japan Self Defense Forces base on the inside of Otawa Bay. After that it's pretty smooth as you climb the hill to Misakiguchi Station.

At the bottom of the 134 loop take the turn for Hwy 26 going to Jogashima, the island off the end of the peninsula. The road descends down to the bridge crossing over to the island. Down on the right you'll see Misaki fishing port, famous for its tuna. Jogashima has such a relaxing atmosphere. I recommend turning right onto the road that goes to Jogashima Park. There are some beautiful views of the ocean there and, if you'd like, a nice walk down onto the rocks and inlets below. The photo on the banner of this page is of Jogashima.

Miura Peninsula East Side

As much as I enjoy riding the west side of Miura Peninsula, I think I like the east side even better. Soon after crossing the bridge from the island take Hwy 15 east which runs along the coast. It feels very remote back there as there is much less car traffic. A nice smooth road winds through daikon fields and overlooks several small fishing villages built on small inlets in the rocky coastline. I often wonder what it would be like to live out there.

The road climbs a small hill with a nice Yamazaki Convenience store on top offering a nice view of the fields behind and ocean down below. The road descends down to the coastline of Kaneda Bay and follows it all the way to Miura Kaigan, where it rejoins Hwy 134. It feels as if you’ve come back into civilization. From Miura Kaigan north it’s a bit busier and more populated, but beautiful none-the-less.

I recommend turning right on Hwy 212 just before coming to Nobi Station and follow it along the coast to Kurihama. It will pass by the ferry terminal there. I like to stay as close to the coastline as possible up and around Iraga Bay. At Uraga Station turn right on Hwy 209 (Kannonzaki-dori). You can either go up and over the hill on 209 or try to ride the smaller local roads around the point.

The next point of interest is Kannonazaki Lighthouse. The beach just before the nature museum is very pretty. I like to take a break at Kannonzaki Park and enjoy the view of the bay. Shortly after Kannonzaki Hwy 209 becomes Rt. 16, which you can follow all the way through Yokosuka. Miura Peninsula provides some beautiful routes that you can enjoy all year round.

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