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Shizuoka to Numazu

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Shizuoka to Numazu

One late winter day in March I decided to check out the Shizuoka coastline. I had heard that it was a nice place to ride during winter so I rode the train to Shizuoka City and began from there. From the station I headed about 4 km south to Hwy 150 which runs along the coast. After about 10 km you arrive at a Miho no Matsubara, a scenic sandy beach-lined cape covered with pine trees. In 2013 it became a world heritage site. A web site I looked at boasted over 30,000 pines covering the 7 km of coastline.  It has a 200 year old pine tree called Hagoromo no Matsu that is the source of legend.

At the beginning there is a narrow pathway under the big trees with a wide sandy beach to the right.  As you continue the path gives way to a wide paved bike path running along a sea wall with pines hanging over it and a marvelous view of Mt. Fuji straight ahead across Suruga Bay. I had seen Mt. Fuji from many different angles but this view of Fuji over Suruga Bay is uniquely stunning. The mountain seems to rise right out of the ocean.

Across the harbor from Miho no Matsubara is the town of Shimizu. Shortly after this you come to Satta Pass, where the Tomei Expressway, the Tokaido train line and the Shinkansen line all bunch together as they hug the steep shoreline. Before you get there look for a bike path on the far side next to the Tomei running along the ocean. It’s pretty wide and smooth, but a little difficult to find.

At Yui, a fishing village nestled between the mountains and the ocean, the road becomes quieter and very pleasant. They have a bicycle rest stop offering air, tools to use, maps as well as refreshments. I didn’t need any of those things but was touched by the welcoming atmosphere.

Riding up Hwy 1 through Kanbara you come to the place where the Fuji River empties into the ocean.  The road goes inland a bit to get to a bridge crossing the river. The then road goes parallel to the Tokkaido Railway through Hara and Katahama. There are many large factories there with big roads to handle the many trucks. At Yoshiwara I veered right on Hwy 380 which runs along the coast all the way into Numazu. The trip from Shizuoka to Numazu comes in at just over 80 km.

Shizuoka to Numazu Gallery

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Video of Riding Seawall on Mihon no Matsubara