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Kiyosato is a popular highland resort area in the northernmost part of Yamanashi Prefecture. It’s located on the high plateau just south of the Yatsugatake Mountains. It has a lot of wide-open meadows and pastureland that provide a beautiful view in every direction. The mountains of Yatsugatake to the north, the Minami Alps on the west, Mt. Fuji to the south and the Chichibu mountains on the east. The JR Koumi Line services this area running from Kobuchizawa to Nobeyama then running north all the way up to the Karuizawa area.

This higher elevation provides nice cool riding during the summer. In the ride featured on the map I began from Nagasaka Staton climbing on the Chuo line and took Hwy 28 north, and climbing up past Kai-Oizumi station to Hwy 11 which runs along the base of the mountains.

There are some beautiful ranches and ski resorts up there. Hwy 11 becomes Hwy 615 and loops back south to Hwy 141, the main highway running through the area.

It’s worth a stop at Nobeyama Station to check out this popular landmark which, at 1375 meters, has the distinction of being the highest point in the JR train system. There is a small monument there that makes for a good picture.
Hwy 141 follows the Koumi Line all along the plateau. This quaint little trainline has little 2 carriage trains running along it every hour or so. I have pleasant memories of riding in this area. It is a nice cool getaway during the hot summer months with a very relaxing atmosphere.

Kiyosato Gallery