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Shibu Pass

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Shibu Pass

One of the most epic rides I took was the climb up Shibu Pass in Gunma. It lies in the mountains above Kusatusu on the border between Gunma and Nagano Prefectures. It has the distinction of being the highest point on the Japanese highway system.

I began my ride from Naganohara Station on the JR Agatsuma Line running from Takasaki. After a short ride along the Agatsuma River I turned right on Hwy 292 following the Shirasuna River up into the mountains. After about 10 km I turned left on what is still 292 and began some more serious climbing up to the Kusatsu area, home of the famous Kusatsu Hotsprings. Here the road gets steeper and curvier as you gain elevation more quickly. It’s a steady but not taxing climb that levels out at Kusatsu.

After Kusatsu you pass through a hot spring field (not sure what to call it) where you can smell sulphur and see steam rising up from the ground.  It was on the back side of the mountain where Manza Hotspring is located. Manza is known for having the highest sulphur content in Japan.  This is a highly active volcanic area. In 2018 Mt. Kusatsu-Shirane erupted killing one person and injuring 11.

At Kusatsu Ski Resort you come out of the trees and enter beautiful alpine terrain. The road has nice long curves that keep it at a reasonable grade and provide magnificent views all around. It goes under the ropeway and keeps climbing up giving you steady elevation gains. At about 2000 meters the road levels a bit as you pass near Yugama Pond, formed in the crater of Mt. Shirane. There is a smaller pond called Yumi Ike near the road on the left. The terrain up there is beautiful with wide green meadows and the rounded tops of the volcano rising up through them.

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After Mt. Shirane the road does a wide loop to the left and begins climbing again. This is when my legs begin to tire as I was over 2000 meters and climbing. Finally you come to Shibu Pass which stands at 2172 meters. There is a pull off with an iconic stone marker providing you with a nice picture spot.

After enjoying the view for a while I turned around and returned back down into the Agatsuma River Valley. If you were to continue straight you would go toward Shiga Kogen and some of the more famous Nagano Skiing areas. There are a lot of beautiful possibilities for routes up there.

I really enjoyed this trip. It really whetted my appetite for cycling in alpine terrain.

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